01273 581082Health & Safety Policy
Policy Statement
It is Resolve Security’s intention to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees and for others who work or visit Resolve Security premises and sites. As well as ensuring that all that is reasonable and practicable is done to prevent personal injury and to comply with the duties laid upon Resolve Security under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any accompanying regulations.
Resolve Security will ensure that all employees are aware of and accept their individual and collective responsibilities in the care of health and safety of themselves and others.
All employees are expected to co-operate in the carrying out of this policy and Resolve Security will encourage full participation of all employees and sub-contractors in matters concerning health & safety within Resolve Security.
Resolve Security will identify and eliminate or control any situations likely to be hazardous to health and safety or cause damage to persons and/or equipment.
Resolve Security is responsible for providing the necessary resources for the implementation of health and safety legislation and the objectives identified in this policy. Where reasonably practicable to do so Resolve Security will strive to go beyond the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Resolve Security also recognises the right of non-smokers to breathe smoke-free air and is conscious of its responsibilities to provide a clean, healthy, and safe working environment.
Resolve Security is committed to on-going monitoring and review processes, so that continual improvement in the management of health and safety can be achieved.
Responsibility for Health & Safety Matters
Managing Director
The overall accountability for the implementation of this policy in health & safety matters rest with Kevin Roberts MD of Resolve Security who will be required to do all that is reasonably practicable to meet the health & safety standards laid down in this policy and in legislation and to implement and carry out the policy and its aims set out in this document.
Kevin Roberts MD will identify any necessary preventative and protective measures and priorities the actions necessary to comply with relevant legislation and ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures relating to accident or sickness.
The additional responsibilities of the MD shall include:
Office Manager
Whilst the accountability to ensure compliance with Health and Safety matters remains with the MD, the Office Manager is responsible for the health and safety of their fellow employees and visitors.
The additional responsibilities of the Office Manager shall include:
Area Manager
Whilst the accountability to ensure compliance with Health & Safety matters remains with the MD, the Area Manager is responsible for the health & safety of their fellow employees and sub-contractors.
The additional responsibilities of the Area Manager shall include:
All members of staff are expected to observe all hazards and all accidents involving injury which should immediately be reported to the Area Manager.
Every member of staff must acquaint themselves with the rules governing health & safety within Resolve Security and in addition ensure the following:
Accident Reporting and Investigation
Resolve security’s policy is that every accident, injury, work-related disease, dangerous occurrence or near-miss must be reported to the Area Manager.
Reporting Procedures
Procedures and Responsibilities – Major Injuries
The responsibility of the nearest member of staff is to call the first aider and alert another member or staff to call an ambulance.
The responsibility of the first aider is to administer first aid until the arrival of the emergency services, at which point they will assume control.
If permitted accompany the injured person to hospital and remain until a family member arrives or further instructions arrive from Resolve Security.
The Office Manager/Area Manager will contact a member of the injured persons family as soon as possible. Make the accident area safe and do not permit anything to be moved or tampered with. Take the names and contact details of any witnesses and make as many detailed notes as possible, complete the accident book.
The Office Manager/Area Manager should carry out an accident investigation and the investigation should be completed as follows:
Information Gathering
Find out where and when the accident happened and who was involved, how it happened. This will involve gathering evidence, taking photos and witness statements, and looking at documents like risk assessments and operating procedures.
Look at the information gathered to identify what happened and why. If the findings show that human error or deliberate violations were part of the cause, the Office Manager/Area Manager will need to discover whether someone forgot, did not know or deliberately ignored a rule. This will help when considering how to avoid it happening again.
Reviewing Risk Control Measures
At this stage the Office Manager/Area Manager will be able to identity where changes need to be made to risk control measures to prevent the accident/incident happening again. Evaluate the possible options carefully. Consider whether similar changes need to be made elsewhere.
Action Planning
This is about deciding what changes need to be made, by when and whom. The action plan will be put into place by the Office/Area Manager.
External Relations
External bodies – such as the enforcement authorities and media will be dealt with by the MD.
Procedures and Responsibilities – Minor Injuries
The first aider will administer first aid and complete the accident book. Where hospital treatment is considered by the first aider to be desirable but transport to hospital by ambulance inappropriate, accompany the injured person to hospital. Remain with the injured person for as long as necessary and make arrangements on behalf of Resolve Security for the return of the injured person to office/site or to their home.
The Office Manager/Area Manager will complete a detailed accident report summary taking statements from witnesses and photographs of the scene of the incident.
Procedures and Responsibilities – Near Misses
All near-misses must be reported by the individual staff member to the Office Manager/Area Manager and recorded in the near-miss book.
First Aid
All security staff holding an SIA Licence will have completed a First Aid course in accordance with the changes announced by the SIA in October 2021.
A first aid box is kept in the office, this is maintained and up dated annually or sooner if required.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency at the office during normal business hours all employees are to follow the procedures:
At all client sites ensure your follow Site Emergency Procedures.
Fire Precautions
Inspections relating to means of escape and testing of the fire alarm are to be carried out by the Landlord at the head office and site the responsibility is that of the client.
Office walkways, passages and staircases are to be kept clear at all times. Staff must avoid a build-up of rubbish under desks and work areas. Doors should not be wedged open.
Fire extinguishers are to remain on their hooks at all times, for use in the case of emergency, and not used as doorstops. All employees should be aware of the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and nearest alarm call point.
When on site all employees should familiarise themselves with the location of all fire/emergency equipment.
No smoking is permitted anywhere within the office building and there are designated areas for smoking outside. When on site all personnel should familiarise themselves with the designated smoking areas.
Alcohol & Drugs
UK trends have demonstrated an increasing dependency upon alcohol and drugs. The MD is acutely aware of the need to promote and maintain a safe working environment for all employees and have, in the interest of safety in the workplace, formulated this policy to ensure an acceptable level personal conduct whilst on company business.
Employees under the influence of alcohol and drugs cannot be allowed to continue working as they may put themselves and their colleagues or others at risk. The following requirements set out the policy in respect of all employees in the employ of Resolve Security whose proper performance of their duties is (or may be) impaired as a result of drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
It is Resolve Security’s policy that no one shall:
Stress in the Workplace
Resolve Security recognises and accepts its responsibility to alleviate any excessive pressure or demands placed on employees, which might cause them to suffer stress, which has detrimental effect on their health. This does not include normal and reasonable pressures associated with a job, which an employee should be able to manage appropriately.
Resolve Security will carry out regular risk assessments to identify, control or eliminate the risk of stress in the workplace.
Resolve Security will regularly review its risk assessments. This will include monitoring workloads, monitoring working hours and overtime, monitoring holidays taken to ensure staff are taking their full entitlement. Ensuring that bullying and harassment is not tolerated within the workplace, ensuring good communication between management and staff and providing additional support to employees by either referral to workplace councillors or specialist agencies.
In order for Resolve Security to monitor stress all employees are expected to do the following:
Violence in the Workplace
Resolve Security is required to ensure the safety of all employees, particularly in potentially hazardous situations where violence in the workplace could be an issue. Any potential incident should be reported to your line manager, the Office Manager.
Resolve Security will ensure the following procedures are carried out:
Risk Assessments
Office Risk Assessments
Office risk assessments are reviewed annually or sooner if required i.e. if there is new office equipment or changes within the office. These risk assessments are carried out by the Office Manager.
When risk assessments are actioned the following procedure is used:
Site Risk Assessments
Site risk assessments are carried out by any employee that attends a site where risk assessments under a site policy do not exist or whereby comparison to Resolve Security’s own assessments the site assessments are seen as providing insufficient protection, the procedure in Office Risk Assessments section should be followed. Risk assessment templates are provided by the Operations Manager, these should be used wherever practicable.
All employees visiting sites or visiting buildings for work must be conversant with both general and site-specific health and safety risks relating to the property or site to be visited.
Once the risk assessment is completed a copy should be forwarded to the Operations Manager and a further copy held on the site file under health and safety.
Site risk assessments should be reviewed every six months or sooner whichever is appropriate.
Manual Handling
Manual handling training is provided by the Operations Manager at induction or when changes within the workplace require further training.
Resolve Security ensure that all large bulky/heavy items are moved by trained personnel that specialise in moving this type of equipment.
The office layout ensures that all heavy boxes are at waist level and that nothing is stored above head height.
Risk assessments are carried out by either the Office Manager or the Operations Manager and follow the procedures laid out in Risk Assessments.
The guidelines below should be followed by all employees, when manual handling:
Display Screen Equipment
All employees using workstation equipment at Resolve Security offices will complete a display screen equipment risk assessment. The assessment will take place within the first week of starting employment. All display screen risk assessments are reviewed annually or sooner.
Once the employee has carried out the assessment the Office Manager will then review the details with the individual and identified risks are reduced to the lowest extent reasonably practicable.
The Office Manager will ensure the following:
All office appliances will be PAT tested and certified annually by a competent electrical contractor.
Resolve Security will only use equipment that is suitable for the working environment.
Employees should use the following guidelines:
All electrical equipment is maintained and inspected on a regular basis; this is dependent upon the type of equipment. Any faulty equipment is taken out of use and labelled “DO NO USE”.
All main electrical power supplies at the offices are the responsibility and maintained by the Landlord however, if an employee finds any electrical supply which is faulty this must be reported to the Office Manager immediately.
Any faulty power supplies on site must be reported immediately to the Operations Manager.
Personal Protective Equipment
All employees at induction training will be provided with person protective equipment (PPE) if required this is issued by the Operations Manager and the employee will sign to say they have received the correct protection. Training will be given by the Office Manager in the correct use of PPE. Each employee’s PPE is reviewed on an annual basis to check it still meets safety standards, if PPE needs to be renewed before the annual review, then it is the duty of the employee to advise the Operations Manager.
The following PPE is provided to all site staff depending on the individual site requirements:
If employees require any extra PPE then the request should be put in writing to the Operations Manager.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
COSHH risk assessments are reviewed annually by the Office Manager, and when new substances need to be added to the list the Office Manager will obtain safety data sheets from the manufacturers and suppliers.
Employees are given training on how to use and dispose of substances that are on the COSHH list.
Vulnerable Persons
Young People
Resolve Security will assess the risks to all young people under eighteen years old before they start work, ensuring they are not employed where the work:
New and Expectant Mothers
Carry out a specific risk assessment and in the event of the assessment flagging up any significant risks the following will be actioned:
Lone Working
Lone working is to be avoided wherever possible and is prohibited in safety critical areas.
Should a Security Officer fail to log on to a site or deviate from the planned route without good reason the following action could be taken.
All office staff must inform their line manager if they intend to work in the offices out of hours. Upon leaving the premises they must inform their line manager by text. Failure to comply will result in the above actions.
Health and safety training is given to all employees within the first week of joining Resolve Security. All health and safety training is carried out by the Office Manager and Operations Manager.
Induction training covers the following:
Health and safety training is on-going and refresher training is given annually or sooner if required, to all employees.
All employees will be advised of any changes in relation to Health and Safety Legislation immediately this will either be forwarded in an email or a training session will be provided all staff will be required to sign to say they have attended the training or reply to the email advising they are aware of the content.