Use of Force Policy

Use of Force Policy


Resolve Security promote and maintain a safe working environment for all employees and third parties including the public.

Resolve Security employees are fully trained on the use of force within the workplace.  It is Resolve Security’s policy to follow the guidelines laid down by the SIA ( Security Industry Authority), to use minimal force when dealing with difficult situations.

All Resolve Security Staff should follow the guidelines below:

  • Employees should only use physical intervention as a last resort.
  • Always use interpersonal skills before using force.
  • Only when there is an increased risk of harm to customers and staff should force be used.
  • Do not use ground restraints unless a last resort.
  • Use the least forceful option.
  • Respect the dignity of the person being restrained whenever possible.
  • Ensure there is communication at all times with the person that is being restrained.
  • Monitor the wellbeing of the person that is being restrained.
  • De-escalate physical intervention as soon as possible.

Resolve Security will require the employee involved in the incident to write a full report and send immediately to the Operations Manager who will then review with the client no less then 24 hours after the incident took place.

If Resolve Security decide to take the matter further a full investigation will take place and the employee involved will be suspended pending further investigation.  Depending on the outcome of the investigation there may be a need for possible disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal if the above procedures have not been followed.

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